Gluten free, meat-free, sausage, bean and cheese melts

30 minutes | Easy

Gluten free, meat-free, sausage, bean and cheese melts

Gluten-free, Sausage, bean, and cheese melts.

Makes 3


·      4 HECK meat-free sausages, sliced into 1cm bites

· P.  Gluten-free puff pastry

·      200g beans

·      40g grated cheddar

·      1 egg yolk

·      1tbsp oil

·      1tbsp onion seeds

·      Salt to season


1.        Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees.

2.        To a small frying pan add your oil and fry your sausage bites until crisping.

3.        Slice your pastry into 3 even pieces.

4.        Mix your beans with your cheese.

5.        Lay crispy sausages onto the pastry and top with cheesy beans.

6.        Fold over the pastry and seal with a folk.

7.        Add to a nonstick baking tray and coat with your egg yolk.

8.        Top with salt and onion seeds.

9.        Place in the oven for 20 minutes until golden brown!

