Learn more

What’s your wellbeing score?

Everybody’s wellbeing journey is different: sometimes the most important thing is understanding where you’re starting from. There’s never a bad time to check in with yourself and find out what’s going on.

The NHS offers some great tools for this, like a quick mental and emotional wellbeing checkup, and a calculator to gauge your Body Mass Index, or BMI.

Learn from the experts

Getting and staying mentally and physically healthy is a huge part of life. Luckily, this means there are loads of great resources out there to learn from. Why not try this self-kindness toolkit from the Red Cross as a starting point?

Take action

Small changes can make a huge difference

Wellbeing doesn’t have to mean changing your entire life. Even small tweaks - like being more active in your day-to-day routine,
or changing up your diet to make it healthier - can have huge effects on your mood and wellbeing levels. Here at HECK! we encourage our team to get out for walks every day, and even organise group strolls (with strictly no work talk)!

Time for a StrEATparty?

There’s nothing better than getting to know your neighbours - check out this guide to organising your own StrEAT party, bringing local people together to share food, and challenge loneliness.

Set your 2024 wellbeing goals

It’s not too late to come
up with some resolutions for 2024: this might mean something as ambitious as training to run a 5K, or as simple as just going for a coffee with a friend more regularly.

We’re asking the whole HECK! team to share their wellbeing challenges for 2024 on our “Meet The Team” page - everything from doing 10k steps a day to meditating every evening, volunteering at the weekends or getting off social media.

Our H.E.C.K. Standards

Everyone needs something to believe in. For us, that is our mission ‘To help people say what the HECK and create a better future’ out of this grew our sustainable approach
‘The H.E.C.K. Way’